Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Fashion Photography

Difference between a fashion and a potrait photo:
There are similarities and differences between a fashion and a potrait photo. Both of the types of photo are there to show off whats in the photo but the difference between them both is that a fashion photo is there to present and sell the clothes that the model is wearing to an everyday person and the potrait photo is there to convey the person in the photo in other words show there true emotions that they are showing at that time.
Both photos are set up by the photographer taking the photo but in different ways because with a fashion photo they are trying not to show off the person wearing the clothes.
In some ways you have less freedom in the portrait photo because the picture could possibly be taken when you least expect it because that shows an image of true emotions, it is similar with a fashion photo because you are told what to do by the cameraman, You have no control over either of the types of photo.

To what degree should an image be manipulated to go into a fashion magazine?
Nearly all fashion photos are manipulated in some way to make what they are wearing more presentable, all the models will have lots of make-up put on and in some bill boards they will be air-brushed. I think there could be a moral image here because young people will think they have to be excactly like the person is to be presentable and i dont think the model would want that.
I think when a image is edited that permission is needed from the model to have all this editing done to there face and/or body and i also think they should tone it down a bit so that the average person feels like they are presentable in this world and nothing is wrong with them, the model should have control of what is done to her because then you are more likely to get an image of a normal person presenting the clothes this will make people believe that they are able to wear the clothes which would help the fashion industry

Is there a clash between the creative and commercial side of fashion photography??
There tends to be alot more effort that goes into a fashion photo compared to a potrait photo because you see in magazines that there are sceneries around the people wearing the clothes to try and emphasise what time of year the clothes are for. I think they do this to try and make more money because they feel it could appeal to more of an audience if there is something that drags them in.

Fashion is very creative as you see because there is many different styles of clothes that are made for each different season but i do feel there is a clash between the creative and commercial side of the fashion photography because they seem to try so hard to increase the size of money they get each year by using different kinds of advertising and how they have the set to show off the clothes.