Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Photo Shopping

I started with a picture of Alan Sugar and a bag of sugar and used Adobe Photoshop to come up with this.
First i used the polygonal lasso tool to cut round Alan Sugars head, i then pressed Q and this turned everything but his head red I selected the brush tool to go around any bits that I had over done i then pressed Q again to get off the select mode.
I then dragged the head onto the bag of sugar picture and was able to make the image smaller using the keys cmd + T
i held down shift while i was making the image smaller, i then double clicked to unselect it once edited.

For this we were asked to use Photoshop to put some broken glass over a picture. i dragged one picture on top of another and then changed the setting to screen so the black background no longer appeard i then went to Edit--->Transform--->Flip Horizontal and Vertical and came up with this.

This is the photo of the wall before i used photoshop to edit it.

I used the patch tool to select a space on the wall that needed fixing and replaced it with another part of the wall.
I also used the healing brush tool to copy a space on the wall that was fixed by holding 'alt' and coloured in one of the broken bits of the wall

This is the picture of the birds on the line before i edited it on photoshop.

I used the spot healing brush tool to erase parts of the line and get rid of parts of the picture i didnt want to use

I created this picture by using the blur and sharpen tool, i blured the mountains at the back alot to get them out of focus as they were further away then the landscape.
I blured the hillside less as they were closer to the main picture on the photo and i blured the foreground so all the attention was on the mid point of the picture.


I blurred out the clouds the sea and the wall to make the subject the field in the middle of the picture the two layers at the back of the image have been blurred out the most as they are least likely to be in focus of the picture and i have slightly blurred out the wall and the grass in front of it.


This is the image before i edited any of it in photoshop.